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Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Generational Transfer of Christ"

"Generational Transfer of Christ"

”The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.” – Matthew 1:1:”

This is something the Holy Spirit placed on my heart concerning the Spiritual make up of Christ. Now we know in the scriptures that Christ earthly mother Mary was pregnant by the word of God that was released in the realm of the Spirit and became sinless flesh on the inside her. Joseph wasn’t Christ natural father and God knew that however Joseph was Christ Step father to give him a legal right on the natural side to the throne through the linage in the book of Matthew. However in the book of Luke 3:23-38 it is the linage of his mother which Characteristics of these Prophets are in his make up:

Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. Just to name a few. This first line is so critical because it establishes 2 things: Royalty and Anointing.

1) Royalty-Christ is the King of kings Lord of lords; he reigns in his Kingdom in the spiritual realm however there are ordinance of the natural that the sinner man must respect so through the linage of King David who reigned over Israel no one can question his heritage and right to sit on the throne of David because the requirements of the Messiah is that he would reign on David’s throne. The Scripture Declares he spoke as one having authority not as the scribes the sound of authority comes from the kings in the make up of his DNA and at the same time being God in the earth realm. Christ did not have a problem with keeping himself Holy although he was always tempted by the natural state of who he was emotionally getting upset at the temple, crying at Lazarus death also physically hungry while fasting and falling asleep exhausted from ministry in the boat with his disciples. When he was honored as Son of David it was an acknowledgement of his earthly Kingship. In the book of Acts 1: Lord Wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? When you realize that you are apart of an unseen kingdom you will not conduct yourself any kind of way light. Realization will allow you to see is that your words carry authority to set people free or bound them a kingdom tongue has wisdom to solve what ever out of order because we are kings who govern under the supreme King Jesus if you don’t know do not lean to your own understanding because the spiritual Kingdom of God comes against every knowledge that is natural or flesh, to the natural mind we deal with logics and reason and it must make sense but if you would yield more unto the knowledge of God because Apostle Paul tells us that the Natural man can not comprehend or discern the deep things of God. When people come into your circle conduct yourself appearance conversation wise that no matter who they are sinner or saint the life you live is a sermon and it says: You are in the presence of royalty.

2) Anointing- (Galatians 3:14) The Blessing of Abraham came on us through the Lord Jesus Christ. In order that we may receive the promise of the spirit through faith. We are anointed according to our heart. The Lord wants to remove all traces of the old heart out of our lives and out of our hearts the pure in heart shall see God. Jesus was not authorized for his work to go forth until the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove and the Father bear witness of his commission for the work when he said “This my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased (Matthew 3:16-17) God was well pleased to be dwelling in an earthly vessel that was Holy and blameless The great I AM was in that vessel which were an vessel of honor. Christ said in your belly shall flow rivers of living water and the flow is the continuation of the manna that falls from heaven ;the revelatory knowledge of the throne room connection to the mind of God that Adam had to name animals because it was the same God that named man and woman together Adam. Jesus said in the book of John that I am the True Vine with out him we can not do anything, so if we connect with God in prayer and in obedience we shall bear fruit one hundred fold and have the ability to flow in the spirit without clutter. Disobedience places blockage and spiritual dams that hinder us also from understanding. That’s why in all thy getting we must gain understanding the understanding is the fruit of the harvest of being connected to the true vine which will lead us in all truth and righteousness.

Shalom Beloved.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 "Exhortation and Prophetic Word“

2014 "Exhortation and Prophetic Word“
By:EnterPraisement KingDominion

Shalom Beloved Saints,
The Lord reveal to me that 2014 was the year he was revealing to many “The Mystery of the Sabbath” and “The Lords of the Sabbath” Now anybody can add 2+0+1+4=7 however it takes revelatory knowledge to understand that in part which is being revealed.
  1. If you add up all the numbers in the months from Jan-Dec
January 1 April 4 July 7 October 10
February 2 May 5 August 8 November 11
March 3 June 6 September 9 December 12
+ ____ + _____ +____ +_____
(6) 1+5= (6) 2+4= (6) 3+3= (6)

B.) What is the 6th Book in the Holy Scriptures in the Old Testament?
The book of Joshua and what is the theme of that book? The entering into the promise land to possess it to drive out the ungodly inhabitants, there are people who have to release blessings into your bosom in this year the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just it has been in waiting in stored waiting for you. You have driven out the leaven of the old man the entire old residue, which was your David season 2013= (6) David was a Man of war 2013 was your year of warfare so the now in 2014=(7)God has given you rest=7 Which is the Mystery of the Sabbath which is different from the “Mystery of Godliness” which is Christ in you. “The Mystery of the Sabbath” is God pouring rest in you.

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.” -Hebrew 4:8-11

The 6th book of the New Testament is the Book of Romans written by the Apostle Paul and the theme was to release apostolic order into a place that had doctrine however didn’t have instructions. 2014 God is releasing instructions so you may walk in true apostolic order of his Kingdom. The Apostolic is the direction by the wind of God that gives you the governmental authority as ambassadors of the Kingdom to set order along the same foundation as the Apostles and Prophets.

January is the first fruit month of the Church in this Western hemisphere the 1st book of the New Testament is “Matthew” our dominant number is 6 and the last quarter of the year (chart on 1stpage) Oct-Dec=(33)3+3=6.

Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”

The Kingdom is attached to faith it is an unseen force which is only activated by faith in its King and manifested by the righteousness of God, obeying the laws of the Spirit (example: Thou shalt not commit adultery the disobedience of the laws of the law of the spirit is internalizing the thought of ungodliness into spirit and manifesting them into works of the flesh.)
Seek the Kingdom...Seek and ye shall find…he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

C.) The Voice of the Lord Came to me with an Anointed Holiness and I was given instructions that in 2014 God is dealing with us in 4 Dimensions.

  1. King: The Authority of the believer can’t be realized until servant hood is mastered and Son ship is realized then Kingdom Principles can be properly walked into. Your right is given by way of heaven Authority of the theocracy of God. To make the crooked straight and allow the power of the kingdom to perfect all that which concerned you. Commanding our angels, binding and loosing are the demonstration of the Kingdom. Healing...Blind eyes open spiritual gifting of the Holy Spirit the Indwelling Christ where God is you will also find his kingdom(St. Luke 17:21). Selah

  1. Lion: Kingship and the Lion goes hand in hand that is why King Solomon’s throne was surrounded by lions.(2 Chronicles 9:17-20)
And the Lord Jesus is the roaring Lion of Judah; the Lion roar is the sound that we release in the realm which is authority of praise. The lion is the Tongue of fire released in the realm of the spirit the trumpet the Shofar. Becoming instruments that can cause a shaking in the earth the as we are one with him we must have a Kingdom tongue like him.

3.) Priest: (1 Peter 2:9) (Psalms 110:4) As a Priest you must understand you are Chosen, Royalty, Holy and Peculiar =4
Dimensional characteristics. Now the order of The Melchezidek Anointing is the dual operation of your Kingship and the Priesthood.
God wants the believer to not only take authority and the use of the Kingdom however also master there giving, offering of sacrifices and themselves which is our reasonable service.(Romans 12:1). In order to connect with God in true intimacy it is our Priesthood of Holiness in clean garments (Zechariah 3:3-4)The Priesthood is Intercession in the secret chamber before God not to Broadcast before man but to receive transmission for the intercession mission to be naked before God. And when you are naked there is no condemnation before God only rejoicing in the glory of his appearance.

4.) Lamb: Sanctified Pure Undefiled before God, it is our walk that we are presenting before God it’s another branch of our Priesthood. We have to be able to Worship in spirit and in truth, Isaac asked Abraham where is the Lamb since you said we are going to Worship (Genesis 23) Abraham said God will provide HIMSELF. So as the Lamb you must make yourself available in 2014 you must always be ready to die to be sacrificed for the furtherance of the gospel; so others may live.
You are required to manifest Lamb authenticity at all times however ever service is not Holies of Holies however we must keep our bells ringing the Anointing.

If you add up all the numbers in the months; from Jan-Dec straight through.
January 1 April 4 July 7 October 10
February 2 May 5 August 8 November 11
March 3 June 6 September 9 December 12
+ _______________________________________________
= 78
Now take 7 + 8= (1+5) = six is the number when you break the whole year down now when you add the rest (the Sabbath) in (7).

6 + 7 = (1 + 3) = 4

There 4 seasons in a Year, Why always one year in this case 2013 is leaving in winter . . . and another year is arriving in winter? Because all of the old must be destroyed... The cold exposes the motives of the people everyone wants a word when the year is transitioning , The Holy ghost in fire the year comes in at a barren cold state because you must die to self in order to live, after Winter=Death is Spring= resurrection.

4 Directions North, South, East, West, & 4 angels that sits at each corner of the earth (Matthew 24:31)
4 Different types of people in 2014 with 4 different kinds of Spiritual walk.
4 shifts in a day 9am 12pm 3pm, and at sunset


4 Cherubim (Ezekiel 11:10)
2 0 1 4 = 7
Forgive 70 x 7 when you do you will be able to rest don’t carry unforgiveness into this season. 7 is total deliverance.

You will never enter into his rest…… Until you realize it is finished.