EnterPraisement Media Group.

More than books, music and entertainment for your soul. Powered and Supported by K. L. Belvin, Founder and C.E.O of Bravin Publishing LLC.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Reality and Relationship debut on GeeQue Palace Radio

Last night was our return to radio, the debut of "Reality and Relationships" on GeeQue Palace radio. If you missed our show enjoy. We had a great time last night. My wife, Tiffany and me were blessed to return to the airways with a show on relationships. We take our marriage seriously and we try hard to help others find their way. Some say its our ministry. Maybe so, either way we are going to show what the Lord is doing for us. 

We also were blessed to debut the promotional song to our new poetry anthology "Word Play 2, The Foundation of Soul" created by All Mega Waters of  Enterpraisement Media.

We are on every Thursday from 8pm - 10pm on 
GeeQue PalaceRadio

Last Night's topic:


We will feature great conversations, answers to difficult one couple weekly in our "FB Couple of the Week" segment. Stop by our page Facebook.com/MakingMarriageCoolAgain Like our page and tell us why we should pick you. 
Please tune in each week and tell a friend. 

Also remember to check out our new poetic anthology "Word Play 2, The Foundation of Soul" Drops March 5th. www.BravinPublishing.com

You can also pick up a copy of "From Gigolo to Jesus" my personal memoir on how I change my life from Whore to Loving Husband and Man of God

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Ingredients of a Holy Woman of God

Evangelist Williams has something to share.. Enjoy...

The Ingredients of a Holy Woman of God

Strong and true

Slow to speak, quick to hear

Full of grace full of peace

Steadfast and unmovable

Clothe in righteousness

Ever abiding

Discerning and patient

Wise and understanding

A servant of the Lord

Vessel of Honor

Fit for the Masters Use

Whose temple glorifies God

Honors her Husband

Blesses her children

Mixed with Faith

Meek and quiet

Full of Joy, hope and love 

The Church is waxing cold and compromise has entered in, we no longer are hungry for the truth, or saving souls. Only increasing membership and keeping our members but tickling their ears. Not wanting to offend anyone.

1 Timothy 4:1    Now the spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits.Speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron. 
There was a time when women of God walked in integrity and conducted
themselves as pure vessels of the Lord.
We have come to a time when we can’t separate the Pastor from the mother or daughter everybody is styling. We are looking more like the world than the church.
Don’t get me wrong I don’t have a problem with a women looking beautiful, but do it in a way not to bring a reproach on the Church.
We show panty lines, our cleavage, our eyes and lips are covered in makeup how we can see the natural beauty of God when we have hidden it behind the mask of falsehood.
We are to present ourselves holy and acceptable unto the Lord. People are watching us very closely; if we are witnessing to a prostitute we don’t want to look like one.  The Church has lost its conviction and has begun to compromise with the world. The word says be ye holy for I am holy. Be in the world but not of the world. Touch not, taste not, and handle not. We are a peculiar people, set apart for His glory. There was a time when you known the saints of God now you have to question are they or not. I remember when I first got saved in 1985 holiness was holiness no compromise sure you have some that dressed right but still had issues but there was still a noticeable difference. I see some of the same women that would hammer me about wearing pants now wearing pants and then some and they no longer have the same fire that they had when I first meant them.
Godly apparel is not only in clothing but there is a certain light that a women has that only appears when she has truly given all to her Lord and savior. When she chooses to surrender her will for the Fathers, humility gives her that glow that says I am a surrendered vessel.
As a single mom it’s hard enough to stay saved we don’t need anything else to turn a man’s head our fight is hard enough trying to keep the flesh under subjection. Why give the enemy a hand up. How can you freely minister when your private body parts are showing?  
Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you that whoever looks on a woman to lust after hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
1John 2:15
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in them.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world.
And the world passes away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abides forever.
 Revelations 3:18
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried by the fire, that those may be rich, and white raiment, that thou may be clothed , and that the shame of thy nakedness does not appear, and anoint thine eyes with eye salve that they may see.
1Timothy 2:9.10
In like manner also women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame facedness and sobriety not with braided hair, or gold or pearls or costly array.
But which becomes women professing godliness with good works.
I may be old fashioned but I know by my personal experience when I dress like the world I feel like something is missing. But when I dress like the women O God that I am there is a sense of dignity and respect, I represent who I am in Him and free of chains that may hold me bound and know that I can minister free knowing that nothing of my body will be exposed and bring shame to me or to God. Knowing all eyes see the Lords glory and not me.

Esther found favor in the eyes of the king after 12 months of purification. So shall we find favor with our Lord after we purify our hearts and mind and dress in holiness, only then will be true before the Lord. Not bringing a reproach on the church but breaking free from any spirits that separate us from the love of the Lord.

One thing I have recognized is when a woman is not fully delivered or has low self esteem; it comes out in their appearance. What you feel on the inside comes out on the outside. In other words if you feel that you are not pretty enough, or you used your body to attract men in the world, you come into the Church with that same mind set. So until you become delivered, and realize that is the heart that makes a woman beautiful, you will continue to wear the apparel that makes you feel good about yourself.

Remember He gave you beauty for ashes a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness and oil of joy for morning. Walk in His word and let Him clothe you in His righteousness .Just saying……..

Evangelist Williams


Saturday, February 9, 2013

"The Pursuit of Happyness"

This video touches on something I have been fighting with inside myself for a while. Watch it first before reading my post.

For years I have felt there is something else or more I should be doing with my life. Something which will bring me greater or complete happiness. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy teaching immensely and love the effect I've had on the lives of children. I enjoy writing and publishing books each day. However in the past five years something has been eating at my spirit  Begging me to move on to something else. I know its the Lord speaking to me but yet I resist the nudging. The unhappiness and incomplete feelings I have are growing louder. So this year I have begun meditating and sitting quietly so I can receive the directions, the road map for where I am being sent. However, there are stumbling blocks and mufflers to the word being given,  I can't listen completely because of the financial situations I've placed myself in for living an Ungodly life for so long. 

You see it makes sense to me know, when the Lord said "The Wages of Sin Is Death" Romans 6:23 
The Lord never said which type of death. There is of course physical death. Which is what most of us fear and use as our understanding to this scripture. However, I have come to learn there are other deaths we don't consider. There is Social death, Spiritual Death, Martial Death and Financial Death. When you consider it,  name any sin and there is some form of death connected to it. This is why I have tried to push myself to do so many things to pay off debts and get my finances where I need them. Paying child support is never something I complain about since my children are worth every penny I pay. 

When I make a personal decision I have to consider the amounts of money I would make or give up so I don't alter their lives and that is the problem. When money is required to create a life of happiness it means you may have to give up certain financial ventures you currently are a part of. This can and will leave you in the dark trying to decided which is the most important path to take. For me there is no decision, my financial responsibilities have to be dealt with first and happiness has to wait; even if the void becomes an abyss. I know that sounds sad but I lived such a selfish life in the past I don't want to take advantage of anyone else going forward. 

As an educator of  17 years, everyday I walk into school, I attempt to push children to be greater than they think they can be. I want them to be better than where I am currently. I am train them to learn from my mistakes and successes. Now some would say Mr. Belvin, you're a good teacher, you have 3 college degrees, you own a business, you have a lovely wife, you've written 2 books and been a part of 3 others things have to be great for you? You have to be happy? My response is I am blessed and content. I respect the blessings and enjoy what the Lord has given me. However, I am not where I want to be and each accomplishment is in place as a bridge to my goal of actual happiness. I speak the truth to the students, if I don't I risk leading them down the same roads I once traveled. In my book "From Gigolo to Jesus" I speak about my past life as a misogynistic whore and what that life cost me. I am still paying the installment note on that life. You can't pay for the past and it not effect the present, unless you're making ridiculous money. Well my blessings haven't reached that level yet. So my grind continues. 

True happiness is a rare jewel. Its not something many will ever possess and when the few get it, they'll automatically see a difference in who they are. Physiologist Abraham Maslow's originally created his "Hierarchy of needs" as a five stage model  it has since been adapted to eight. The top two spots of that model are ; 

8 Transcendence needs - helping others to achieve self actualization. 
7. Self-Actualization needs - realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.  

I read only 10% of the human race reaches these stages. It stated many of us only reach stage four, five or six which is;
 6. Aesthetic needs - appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, etc. 
 5. Cognitive needs - knowledge, meaning, etc.  
4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc. 

So as you watch the video, think about your own happiness, understand we all know life is about choices. Past, present choices are going to dictate where you are in life. Currently,  I am pushing to get pass level 6. Which is the level I believe I am at. I feel at this point in my life I am going to need the Lord's help even more to guide me out the muddy waters of my past. When I reach the clean shores, my happiness will be waiting. I refuse to get depressed or act ungrateful with all that has been given to me. I want to get to that mountain top of Happiness and help others to find theirs as I do. 

There are powerful words out here on the net and if we allow ourselves to lock in on them, the things which appear so distant can be become obtainable. So happiness here I come. I am taking as many people with me as I can, with the Lord's help of course; Because without Him there is nothing. I am sure the Father wants to see his children happy is all aspects so this is why I am going to lean on faith as I push up this mountain. 

This is one of the most power scenes I've seen in the movies. Because the men offering the job have no idea what Chris Gardner (played very well by Will Smith) has been through to get to that position of to be offered the job. Will Smith acting is on point as he makes me believe he is really "Chris Gardner" receiving his joyous moment. If you've never seen "The Pursuit of Happyness" you must. If you never read about the real Chris Gardner you must. Its  pure motivation. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Men can say what they want about the Bible..

K. L. Belvin, Author of "From Gigolo to Jesus" www.KLThewriter.com

Something I was thinking about today when studying the word. 

Men can say what they want about the Bible.. That's cool. No reason to force the "Word" on anyone. However when you study it and attempt to apply it to your life you'll see its the best guide going. Look at how these verses about the last days sounds like most of today's reality shows currently on TV.

2 Timothy 3:1-4  1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.  

Pick any of the popular shows and you'll see all these claims highlighted as they keep veiwers pinned to their sets.
We all have to figure out our own path in life and what will fuel our moral compass.  Just thought I would offer some food for thought. If its not for you I understand and respect your choice. For me, I'll continue to work on being the best Christian I can be, using the bible as my guide. It has work so far.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Powerful Words from Sister Michelle Williams.

I hear you cry in the midst of the night
No one there to hold you tight
I hear your cry as you sing your song
That comes from the death of your heart felt pain
No one can know the sorrow you feel
No one there to help you heal
To hold you tight and dry your tears
But I am there to hold you tight
As you lay there in the coolness of the night
All alone in your cell in the depth of violence
Only to hear the cries in silence
As shadows of lost souls
Are tormented in the night
Fear tries to grip you
But Jesus holds you tight
The power of the blood
No devil can touch you
I will be there to hold you
Your mind tormented your soul oppressed
O please Jesus release me from this mess
No one cares no one hears the cries of my soul
The depths of darkness living in this hole
Oh how I would love to take your pain away
And help you get through another day

Isaiah42; 6, 7,
I the Lord have called you in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, and for the light of the gentiles.
To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
I am the Lord: that is my name; and my glory will I give no other, neither my praise to graven images.

Psalms 146
 I cried unto thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.

No matter the prison you are in if it is in your mind or a physical prison. The Lord is not so far that he cannot hear you. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy but Jesus came that you might have life. Be of good courage He will not leave you or forsake you.
Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball and circumstances will overtake you. Your mindset may become distorted and you may look at life through dark colored glass. But Jesus is a mind regulator and the chains that have you bound can and will be broken if you put all your trust in Him.
Just as Paul and Silas praised the Lord in the mist of their imprisonment and the chains fell and they were free so you must Keep your mind on Christ and you will always walk in victory. The weapon may be formed but it will not prosper. Brokenness is the best place to be when it comes time for deliverance and it is only then that you keep your eyes on the prize and focus on Him the Master Chain breaker.